Where are you?
/It has been about two weeks since we met with our Middle/High School teachers. So, how are things going? Have you implemented your first FAL? Please share with us and your peers!
The Mathematics Design Collaborative (MDC) brings to mathematics teaching and learning high-quality instructional tools and professional support services that play a pivotal role in helping the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation realize its ambitious goal of having 80% of low-income and minority students ready for college by 2025.
Source: http://collegeready.gatesfoundation.org/Learning/MathDesignCollaborative
Brenda Hodgin and Gin Sellers, Math Consultants, CSRA RESA
It has been about two weeks since we met with our Middle/High School teachers. So, how are things going? Have you implemented your first FAL? Please share with us and your peers!
Please see the videos of the three speakers from our middle/high school MDC training. All three are fairly new to MDC and had great ideas to share with us on Thursday. They will all three be participating in our blogs!
What a great group! We hope that you had as much fun as we did. Is there one thing from the training that you could not wait to tell someone about or an activity that you plan to use immediately? Share that with us!
Now that school is back in, share a lesson or activity that you found successful in your classroom.
We hope the opening of a new school year has been smooth for you! We have had an overwhelming response to our MDC for high schools training on September 10th and 11th. We look forward to seeing you then!
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